International Language Cafe in Nurmes

The Language Café is free of charge, open to all ages, and welcomes anyone interested in international affairs. The main language is Finnish, but we also use English as a support language. Come meet new people and enjoy some relaxed time over coffee. Refreshments are available in limited quantities.

Autumn events are in every second week, further details to be discussed in the WhatsApp group. You do not need to sign up for any of the events, you can join any of them if you wish.

The City of Nurmes organize regular International Language Café activities in Nurmes!

The Language Café is free of charge, open to all ages, and welcomes anyone interested in international affairs. The main language is Finnish, but we also use English as a support language. Come meet new people and enjoy some relaxed time over coffee. Refreshments are available in limited quantities.

Autumn events are in every second week, further details to be discussed in the WhatsApp group. You do not need to sign up for any of the events, you can join any of them if you wish.

  • Wednesday 7.8. at 16-18 at PielisAreena, Lomatie 11. Theme: Freetime activities
  • Saturday 17.8. at 10-14. Excursion to Raesärkät, organised by Näre ry, registration.
  • Wednesday 21.8. at 17-19. Campfire evening at Hyvärilä Riihikota, Lomatie 12.
  • Wednesday 4.9. at 16-20 Let’s cook together on Finnish Food Day, instructor Kaisu Korhonen.
  • Thursday 19.9. at 16-18 Language café in the multifunctional space of Nurmes House, Kötsintie 2. Space at the library, where people can meet; reading, boardgames available.
  • Tuesday 15.10. at 16-18 Around 20 international Kekri-camp participants, ages between 18 and 30, will organise a programme for the participants of the Language Café. At Hyvärilä, Lomatie 12
  • Tuesday 19.11. at 16-18 Language café in the multifunctional space of Nurmes House, Kötsintie 2. Space at the library, where people can meet; reading, boardgames available.

Changes Possible!

More info and join WhatsApp group:

Outi Meriläinen
Nurmeksen kaupunki puh. 04010 45778

Juho Luostarinen
Nurmeksen kaupunki puh. 04010 45723

Kati Lipponen
Hyvärilä nuoriso- ja matkailukeskus puh. 050 337 8777