Kiinnostaako kansainvälisyys, mutta esimerkiksi vaihto-oppilasvuosi ulkomailla tuntuu liian suurelta askeleelta? Kansainvälisyyteen löytyy myös muita polkuja, jokaisen nuoren omaan tilanteeseen sopiva.
Autamme nuoria löytämään oma tiensä kansainvälisyyteen
Yksi tehtävistämme on auttaa nuoria löytämään oma tiensä kansainvälisyyteen ja löytää jokaiselle kukkarolle sopiva tapa kansainvälistyä. Olemme osa kansainvälistä nuorisotyöverkostoa ja pyrimme edistämään kansainvälistä nuorisomatkailua.
Kansainvälisyystyömme tavoitteena on edistää:
- suvaitsevaisuutta
- erilaisuuden hyväksymistä
- yhteisöllisyyttä
- kulttuurista ymmärtämystä ja kulttuurien välistä vuoropuhelua.
Pidämme kiinni kansainvälisyydestä myös omassa työyhteisössämme: Ulkomaalaiset vapaaehtoistyöntekijät ja harjoittelijat pitävät meidät virkeinä myös silloin, kun emme isännöi kansainvälisiä tapahtumia.
Miten voin kansainvälistyä?
Alle 29-vuotias, sinun on on mahdollista osallistua kansainvälisille leireille Suomessa tai ulkomailla, tai lähteä vapaaehtoisjaksoille ulkomaille. Jaksot voivat olla 2 viikosta 9 kuukauteen.
Kaiken ikäiset voivat osallistua erilaisiin tapahtumiin Hyvärilässä, jossa tapaat nuoria ympäri Euroopan ja voit harjoittaa omaa kielitaitoasi.
Riittääkö kielitaitoni kansainvälistymiseen?
Koulussa opittu englanninkielen taito riittää, sillä kielitaito kasvaa nopeasti kansainvälisessä ympäristössä. Usein kohteessa englanti ei ole äidinkielenä, joten muutkin opettelevat kommunikoimaan eri kielellä.
Voinko lähteä leireille tai vapaaehtoistöihin, vaikka minulla ei ole työkokemusta?
Voit lähteä. Sinulla ei tarvitse olla työkokemusta tai harrastusten kautta tullutta erityisosaamista. Vapaaehtoistöissä ja leireillä sinut opastetaan työhön.
Ota yhteyttä ja kysy lisää
Hyvärilä nuoriso- ja matkailukeskus, Nurmes
International volunteering opportunities for young people
Hyvärilä youth centre has been awarded a quality Label certificate as a supporting, coordinating and hosting organization within the European Solidarity Corps programme.
Every year international volunteers come to Hyvärilä for long-term and short-term programs which allow them to explore Finland and discover their inner potential. Volunteer work includes helping youth workers run activities and programs for young people within camps and Youth house daily work, arranging workshops and cultural meet-ups for local young people in Nurmes area, helping to organize events and camps in Hyvärilä, helping kitchen and maintenance in their daily work.
Hyvärilä helps young people from Finland to find opportunities to volunteer abroad – contact us for more information. International volunteering projects are implemented within European Solidarity Corps programme.
Annual volunteering opportunities
Individual volunteering
Long-term volunteering for a young person from Finland abroad for 9 months:
Hyvärilä has an opportunity to support you in planning your own project – contact us with your idea and go to a volunteering project of your dream.
Long-term volunteering 6-12 months
Hyvärilä hosts long-term volunteers helping with youth work and running social media volunteering accounts.
2-month volunteering
Hyvärilä youth centre will host two ESC-volunteers from July to September helping with running camp schools and doing creative projects in the field of traditional culture.
Team volunteering
Hyvärilä will host three international team volunteering programs.
Team volunteering: Green Week (April-May)
Green Week is an opportunity for young people who are concerned about sustainability and want to act on it. Volunteers will organize a series of workshops for the local community in Nurmes, Eastern Finland to celebrate the EU Green Week. They will also learn how Hyvärilä youth centre as Green Key certified destination reduces the negative impact of tourism. This is for young people who are eager to raise awareness via social media channels and workshops, who are ready to share their tips on being sustainable, and who are not afraid to get their hands dirty by participating in Nurmes town Spring clean event with the local community.
Team volunteering: Talkoot (July)
This team volunteering activity is based on the Finnish tradition called talkoot. Talkoot brings the whole village to help and do something together. Talkoot in Hyvärilä is a good opportunity to bring together generations and exchange skills, stories, and share quality time in a meaningful way. International volunteers are going to learn about local natural and cultural heritage and plan and implement different activities for the local community. Are you ready to learn to scythe, make insect hotels and do social media campaigns about biodiversity? This team volunteering is a modern interpretation of a traditional activity that brings the whole village together.
Team volunteering: Kekri (October
Kekri team volunteering was organized for the first time in October 2021. Kekri is an autumn festival of harvest, the transition from summer and light to winter and darkness in Eastern Finland. This activity brings together the local community around the topic of traditional harvest celebration. Volunteers are going to explore the Finnish culture and nature, sustainability, creativity and work with the local communities of different age groups from children to elderly people. Are you ready to learn how to cook delicious dishes with local ingredients? Are you ready to help the local community and learn about sustainability? Are you ready to celebrate the Kekri? Let’s raise awareness of the local cultural heritage, community building and solidarity!
Youth exchanges and international camps for young people
One of the best way to meet like-minded young people from other countries is to participate in international camps in Finland or abroad. Pick a theme that resonates with you and plan an international exchange as you want it. Hundreds of young people come together for a week for intercultural exchange and dialogue on different themes: sports, theater, environmental issues, culture and traditions, personal development, discovering nature and making change in the society – sky is the limit! Youth exchange opportunities are open for young people from 13 to 30 years of age.
Stay informed about international opportunities abroad on Facebook
Recent camps in Hyvärilä
Eco YOUth
Environment and practical steps towards the better and cleaner world are the main topics for this youth exchange, developed by young participants who are determined to make a difference. This youth exchange is the result of Empower Super Citizen Youth exchange of 2019, which inspired participants to continue their journey of making an impact. Participants from Portugal, Finland, Egypt and Cyprus will meet in summer on the beautiful island of Cyprus and get to work: learn how to use resources sustainably, raise awareness on environmental issues and get their hands dirty doing some actual cleaning!
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
Read the results of the project:
A program for young people from Germany to find a new beginning, explore the unknown and discover inner-resources during a two-month internship in Nurmes. The program features basic Finnish language and culture course, local tours and activities, and internship in Nurmes organizations under supervision of youth workers from LeeWerk – WISA (Germany) and Hyvärilä youth centre
Funded by: European Social Fund and the German Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs
Out of the woods. Camp Finland.
September 2019 brought together active young people from Finland, Romania, Slovenia; Slovakia and Russia for a youth exchange devoted to finding your own way in life, getting to know your strengths, weaknesses and passions. Finding yourself with the help of peers through exploring nature and other cultures was the first step. It was truly inspiring, and fully implemented by the participants. Next step of “Out of the woods” project is professional development Youth exchange which will take place in Romania in 2020.
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program
ESC – Empower Super Citizen
November 2019 gathered young people from Finland, Egypt and Portugal to discover active citizenship through drama. How to make your voice heard? How to deal with problems in your community? What can a young person do to influence decision-makers? – this was the time for self-discovery and learning to express inner power! Participants found out which small steps of acts of kindness make a difference, and acted it out in a play for the local community.
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program
Koulu ylittää rajat
In 2018 and 2019 a total of 7 exchange camps happened between school students from Finland and the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Over 100 young people from both countries came together for one-week camps to learn about the country that is just across the border, make friends and get to know the culture and people through school exchange.
Co-funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland.
Getting together and exploring young people’s dreams is both a lot of fun and quite a challenge! This camp was planned and implemented by young people from Poland, Italy, Hungary and Finland.
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.One, two, three – trade!
Young people from Finland, Sweden, Russia and Norway gathered together in Hyvärilä for a week in April to learn about culture and nature of Nordic countries. One week of getting to know culture of neighbor countries through making food, doing crafts and exploring the woods of Eastern Finland in snow shoes.
Co-funded by NORDBUK programme, Nordic Council of Ministers.Green school camp
The project is creating a Green school model as a school addressing global environmental problems in the local community by education and practical youth-led action. The schools will get a model of practical involvement of youth in environmental action. The Green school model, formulated as a result of summarizing and developing experiences of the best Karelian educators, will be tested in 6 pilot schools (3 in Finland and 3 in the Republic of Karelia) and disseminated inside and outside the region. The project is implemented by Karelian Education Development Fund (Russia) in partnership with Hyvärilä youth centre (Finland) and Regional ecology and biology center named by Kim Andreev (Finland).
Funded by ENI CBC Karelia programme in 2018-2020.
BE IN A MOVIE – film-making camp
In August 2019 young people from Finland and Russia spent a week learning about film-making process from professional film-makers. They navigated through theory and practice of coming up with the idea, making a script, setting up the scene, acting and editing a short film. The camp was organized within cross-border cooperation project LOKKI.
Funded by ENI CBC Karelia programme in 2018-2020.
Project page
Mobility and networking for youth workers
International networking and exchange projects for youth workers help develop contacts with professionals from all over the world, improve professional skills and getting inspired for new opportunities and ideas. In our projects we create opportunities for meeting and learning in Finland and abroad. Stay informed about international opportunities on our Facebook group
Recent international youth worker mobility projects
Brain gain
Youth workers will explore science and learning: how does neuroscience explain learning processes and how can we adapt our programs best? Neuroscience helps us to go deeper into the world of education by guiding us to discover the knowledge of the brain and its nerve textures and making us observe the close relationship between biology, the systems linked to human learning, emotions and behavior. Training organized in Italy by ARCUS (Arte Cultura e Sociale) for youth work professionals. Sending organization from Finland: Hyvärilä youth centre.
Read more about the training in Laura’s summary and explore Tanja’s Brain Gainexperience
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
Six handshakes
The world is all connected and we are stronger together! Partnership building activity “Six handshakes” connects youth workers from EU and partner countries. This mobility is designed to develop new partnerships between organizations with similar views on quality and values in youth work. Professionals from Finland, Slovenia, Portugal, Morocco, Russia and Egypt, with participation of USA will come together to work on new cooperation ideas based around youth involvement and internationality.
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
Back to the roots
Hyvärilä youth centre has accumulated many years of experience in environmental education and nature-based adventure education programs. Sharing our knowledge on this Environmental education training is our contribution to better quality youth work and ensuring that learning outdoors is safe for both participants and nature. Training participants from Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Italy and Cyprus will learn and build international cooperation networks.
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
Youth workers who play games
Within the project we inspired dialogue and discussion on using digital methods in youth work. The project was developed to share practices of Finnish youth work organizations to contribute to capacity building of participants. Youth workers from partner organizations from Cyprus, Georgia, Sweden, Italy, Morocco and Bulgaria came to Hyvärilä and Metsäkartano youth centres for a week of learning and sharing experiences.
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program
Project Communication for Cooperation (C4C) gathered international team of youth workers in Youth Hostel Ajdovščina in the town of Ajdovščina, Slovenia for a training course that took place on 23-30 April 2019. There were 18 participants from nine countries working together to improve their knowledge of using ICT in youthwork. The first edition arose from the shared reflection on Youth workers skills and on the highlighted lack of effective communication skills in youth workers and organisations. The second one aimed to improve and refine the communication skills (and their connections with relationships and values) of Youth workers and organisations providing them competences, tools and methods to address their work to marginalised youth. It enhances the professionalism and quality of Youth work and NFE and raise inclusion opportunities for marginalised youth – especially those at risk of exclusion and with violent and risky behaviours- as indirect beneficiaries.
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program.
In their shoes
”In their shoes: Understanding disabilities” was a youth exchange that happened in Malaga, October 2016. The participants had the chance to experience and to understand better how is to live differently. They had the chance to us all the knowledge they had gained during the week, working to adapt different events to make them as accessible as possible.
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program.
From rural to learning mobility
In October 2018 Hyvärilä hosted the international partnership building seminar for youth workers. Youth workers from Finland, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia and Italy gathered together to develop cooperation within project “From rural to learning mobility”. The participants had the chance to know more about all the activities that are happening in Hyvärilä and to find new opportunities for working together.
Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program.
International cooperation projects for organizations
Current projects
CLICA project is implemented within KA2 of Erasmus+ program in 2022-2024 in a partnership between Hungary, Finland, Greece, Italy, Spain and Cyprus. Our goal is to bring European Green Deal and Agenda 2030 closer to the young people from European peripheral areas. Thoughout the project a CLICA methodology was designed, featuring online micro-learning modules and non-formal learning methods which explain the vision of the European Commission for the more sustainable Europe. read more about the project on CLICA website: Over a 100 young participants from different parts of Europe are connected on the CLICA platform to exchange their opinions of the sustainability programs for youth and artivism examples on the platform
Project archive